Okay, tomorrow ada orientation. AHAAA. I like this part. Alaaa, ada yang takde. So, I can't see my friends lucky face. Haha. But, 1 Maju roocckss man. Melawati 2 je conqure lebih. Ahaa, semua budak baik. I was too happy go-go-go lucky today. Over. Perangai mcm cerita Korea sudehhh. Ahhh, I like BOF happy ending. Sudah habis tengok maa :)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Okay, tomorrow ada orientation. AHAAA. I like this part. Alaaa, ada yang takde. So, I can't see my friends lucky face. Haha. But, 1 Maju roocckss man. Melawati 2 je conqure lebih. Ahaa, semua budak baik. I was too happy go-go-go lucky today. Over. Perangai mcm cerita Korea sudehhh. Ahhh, I like BOF happy ending. Sudah habis tengok maa :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Shopping Spreeeeeee
One day, Kim Beom's clone or whatever will be mine. AMIN!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Email Bluehyppo ada, but jarang guna. Okay, if ada email lain selain email di atas, letak nama NAJWA AMIRA, tu bukan Mira okayyy. Buat rumors ke apa, tu bukan Mira.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Class Form 1
Sunday, December 20, 2009
My Tumblr
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Easy Fortune Happy Life
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Excitement Of Facebook
Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.
Tengoklah kebun saya di Farmville;)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Perfect Garments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Azzam Azzam Azzam
Bapak banyak org suka Azzam doeeee xD
Actually, I wanna update this blog on 1st December. Unfortunately, my laptop has been attacked by bloody virus 'Sality Gen'. Yeap, note that. Then, few days, laptop dah OKAY, but still keluar message apatah. Now, tinggal nak beli Antivirus 2010 je.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Spritish Taking New?
Heyyy. I'm currently listening to Cek Mek Molek song. Try to guess, who sang that song? Elehh, Azzam ler. My favourite + my parents favourite singer. Ngee:D Azzam Fans Club I just uploaded new photos for Facebook and Myspace. I used my new phone to took it. Okayy, the quality was quite okay. Photos tak blur and pecah.
Wait, have you seen New Moon? Apala best sangat Movie New Moon. Superb gila for Novel New Moon. Yes, ada beza tu. 2012 and Christmast Carol are better than New Moon. Hmm, blablabla. Stop talking about movies. I better hit Form 1 books right now. Urgh, cepatnya nak masuk form 1. Then form 2, form 3, PMR!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! May Allah bless you. Omg, papa dah tua oh. 39 years old harini:)
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Phone
Thursday, November 19, 2009
UPSR Results
5As tu. Tepuk ah sikit! Yang tengah ikat rambut tu, Najwa Amiro leee;D
Selebihnya, mu tengok ah photos kat Facebook yaww! Congratulations, if increase semua tu. But yg tak dpt, it's not the end of the world en? Try harder. Ada hikmahnya:) Well, this Saturday or Sunday, I'm gonna claim my cellphone. Yes! Nokia Xpress Music 5310 is gonna be mine! My dream school, CBN. Haha, wtv. Tomorrow ada Anugerah Cemerlang Sekolah Agama. No. 3 yaww! Saturday, Anugerah Cemerlang SKTM2. I dpt Anugerah Terbaik Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan and 5As for any examination for Level 2. So, year 4/5 pun dapat meehhh. Haha, next year. Dapat ah pakai jubah semua tu. Dinner kat hotel. Yay! Terharu I:D
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Coming Soon
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hey. Guess what? My dad had an accident. Jatuh motor, bengkak sikit:D Kesian motor. Jahanam habis dpn tu. My mom can't go back to hometown. So, burn je bus ticket tu. Kesian juga tok. Penat siapkan makanan for mama nak balik, dah tak jadi balik. Hmm. Plus, ada PAFA tadi. Thank God tak kena mandi wajib ohh. Org lain je buat, cause tak cukup masa. Ambil wuduk je. If not, kena mandi dpn cikgu. GAHAHA xD Tomorrow, ada juga PAFA. And Friday, Year 6 PARTY! Ada pengesahan esk.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Pocket Of Sunshine
Gosh, nak tau tak? I gained 92 for SV. Heee:D Eee, nak SV terbaik oh. Cause last exam, SV saya 98. So, ada harapan kot nak dapat, KOT. My KT was like_____. Gained 'ball' for that. 71%. How awesome kan? 3 pupils gained an apple. Bagus punya Murni:D Hmm, my boyfriends went to Pangkor Island this morning. My class was like a 'peace class'. But, I still miss their mischievous.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Poker Dot
A friend doesn't go on a diet because you are fat.
Heyya. I supposed to answer Living Skills paper today, but I dind't. Wait, I think few classes dind't answer it. Thank God! Study again -_-. Grr, I think all those living skills datas are starting to run away. I played Uno many times during 'Living Skills examination'. Sampai balik yaaa:) I think this year, 6th grader pupils are such an irritating. Wait, not all of them. Cause they dind't pay for school dinner at hotel, so 6th grader can't go. Sad;(
Gosh, I have a good news too. I dapat Anugerah Cemerlang babyyyy. Gahah, for 5As exam je. Can't wait for 21 Nov. Plus, Children's Day is coming on 16th Nov. My school will probably give students free food. Ayaya, UPSR results is coming. You know I want cha, 5As;)
Monday, November 2, 2009
A poem is never finished, only abandoned
Hello, earthlings. Like I said, I had an examination, today. It was like, okay kot. Saya khatam satu buku SV and KT:D But, my brain was like _____ suddenly. So, I salah KT yg Temenggong Jugah anak Barieng! Grr:( Others, mesti ah boleh buat xD Then, buat art. Tempat letak mail. Sumpah sakit hati! Cause dpt B -_-
After school period, ada this guy was riding bicycle infront of school, sambil maki hamun. Dah ah ckp phone kuat gila nak mampos. Waktu maki tu pun, he said 'F' word. Eee, sakit telinga dengar oh. Tak pasal Ed wanted to terajang that guy. Scary:D Okay, tomorrow KH. Blabla. I hope, it will be as easy as pie. Melawati high punya KH pun easy ohh. Gonna hit the books right now. Boibye:)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hey Thursday
Blablabla, sampai school tepat jam 7.00 am, terus pergi meja and took a nap. SEKEJAP JE! Tengah seronok rest, Nik sampai and said " You suck!" Peduli apa aku. You jerk adalah. Thank God Zack and Hakim xde. If not, teruk aku kena ejek. Turun assembly, setakat baca doa and cikgu ckp "Jgn lupa bersihkan kelas" Kenapa tak ckp je kat office? Satu school boleh dgr kat speaker tu. Haish.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
New Moon
Friday, October 16, 2009
Rumah Terbuka PTS
Nampak Ain Maisarah, Farihah Iskandar. Since Pn Ainon and En Arief Hakim and Editor Pts and kak Mazlia duduk sebelah my mom and me, sembang2 kejap. Haha, Pn Ainon kenal AK Mokhtar. Saudara aku la yg penulis tu:D Siap puji aku lagi:D MUAAHAHAHA xD Pn Ainon ckp, kalau nak menulis dgn betul, kena bnyk baca buku Sejarah. Apa2 sejarah pun takpe.
Nak snap pics, but ramai kat situ. So, lupakan jelah. Tgk blog Ain Maisarah sudeehh:p Eh eh, after this, ada peraduan SAYA MAHU HADIAH sempena school holidays. Tak sabar nk baca buku bnyk2:)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First of all, memang shocked sikit tadi. Lupakan la hajat nak skip school esok. Cause tomorrow, ada exam Living Skills. Like, tiba2 je teachers told me tadi. Last minute study pula tu. Syok ingat sana situ, takut keluar balik. Heh, it's for my dearest SMK Taman Melawati. Siapa dpt 5As/4As, yg applied Melawati, kena ambil exam tu. Dpt cemerlang, msk kelas PERDAGANGAN. Oh, bestla juga en?
Okay, bola baling was fine. Murni-ers scored 2-1. Biasalah, Murni semua nak score. Semua nak 1st. Hehe:D
Dear fellow bloggers, can you please help me? Haritu set updated editor, guna2 okay je. Baru je tadi, dah keluar smcm la. Tried to set into old editor, keluar normal. Actually tu apa? Alya! Help me:D
Okay, bola baling was fine. Murni-ers scored 2-1. Biasalah, Murni semua nak score. Semua nak 1st. Hehe:D
Dear fellow bloggers, can you please help me? Haritu set updated editor, guna2 okay je. Baru je tadi, dah keluar smcm la. Tried to set into old editor, keluar normal. Actually tu apa? Alya! Help me:D
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
RSVP yesterday. So, mama cpt2 called PTS. Reserved kan. Haha, parents pun dijemput sekali ya. Kepala otak dah fikir, Khamis ni taknak pergi sekolah. Nak pergi PTS open house. Baju kurung semua dah readyyy.
Budak ni mcm -_-
Woi! Lantak akula nak entertain siapa ke. I have 1,177 FRIENDS in Myspace. Ingat ko sorang je aku kena hantar comment? Aku lawa ke tak lawa, biar ah! Allah jadikan aku camtu. Kau nak kutuk ciptaan Allah? Pergh!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Open House
You know what? Have you heard a cat can a play a piano? Haha, baca kat Kosmo. CLICK HERE Jealous gila kat cat tu. I wish I could have one. UPSRA dah habis. Merdekakakaka lah ya? Merdeka la sgt. Form 1 still kena belajar. Finals pun 2nd Nov. Kena duduk extra time kat Clavinova tu. Heh.
Since Multi Reader ni super OKAY, saje nak uplooad Electone Revelry cert and Piano Exams books for next year.
Yamaha : Grade 6
ABRSM : Grade 3 (baru ambil)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Closerrr xD
Korang nak tau tak?
Tadi Mira visited blog Alya. UPSR 2009 keluar 20 November 2009. 21st dah cuti. Bagi Kedah/Kelantan/Terengganu, results korang keluar hari Thursday kan? Moreover, this week tak pergi sekolah pun. Kan UPSRA pagi. Rasanya my buddies semua dah dapat refund Langkawi tu. Yeah, did I tell you yang Jabatan tak kasi pergi just because of H1N1? Memang frust gila membabi buta jelah en. Tapi nak buat mcm mana? But nvm. RM250 boleh pergi saloon maa:D
Arabic tadi okay je. Other subjects okay juga. Sikit lagi nak merdeka. Oh ya, about Miosis a.k.a benda2 sperm tu, actually spelling betul Meiosis. Ada juga Mitosis. Cause yesterday beli buku Geografi, check ah kejap Biology Form 4 tu en.
Tadi after balik sekolah agama around 12 o' clock tu, nampak ah budak2 PMR kat SMK Sungai Pusu dpn rumahku tu balik. Nampak happy semacam je. PMR this year easy ke? Attention readers! I never ever tell you about this, but takyah la nak suruh org tell you pula. Kalau nak follow aku tu, follow ah sincere sikit. Jgn ckp I follow you, you follow me. Takyah ah doe. Kalau aku rajin nak follow kau, aku follow ah. If aku tak follow kau, faham2 jela en.
I forgot to wish you guys la. Good luck ya:)
Tadi after balik sekolah agama around 12 o' clock tu, nampak ah budak2 PMR kat SMK Sungai Pusu dpn rumahku tu balik. Nampak happy semacam je. PMR this year easy ke?
Monday, October 5, 2009
I Wanna
Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata, salah satu sekolah bestari yang akan dinaikkan taraf kepada sekolah kluster tidak lama lagi ialah Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Sungai Pusu di Gombak.Petikan akhbar Utusan Online
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sekolah Sri Bangsar
Hey people !
I've updated my Sri Bangsar. Dah update photo sekali:D Kalau rajin, addla Mira as your friend ya. Takde kawan lagi haaa:P Search Najwa Amira jumpala tu. Hehe. Mulai hari ini, nak hidupkan balik zaman kegemilangan ketua kelas blog Ain Maisarah. Rindu :D Dear Myspace and Facebook, I'm gonna update you guys as rarely as I can. I just want to forget all those crappy things that internet bitch have done to me. Sebab tu la changed link. To my buddies in Myspace or Facebook, do contact me in MSN. Or phone :)
Oh ya, if you wanna send me an email or whatsoever stuff, do send your email at amira_coolstar@hotmail.com Yahoo banyak sangat boyan nowdays. And you know what? If you wanna be as Jean Ure club, I'll be the first cheerleader to say NO ! You know, banyak sangat horny email yang Mira received. Nak cancel pun tak tau dah. Siapa yang dapat solve kan nak keluar dari club tu, bagitaula Mira ya:)
Oh ya, if you wanna send me an email or whatsoever stuff, do send your email at amira_coolstar@hotmail.com Yahoo banyak sangat boyan nowdays. And you know what? If you wanna be as Jean Ure club, I'll be the first cheerleader to say NO ! You know, banyak sangat horny email yang Mira received. Nak cancel pun tak tau dah. Siapa yang dapat solve kan nak keluar dari club tu, bagitaula Mira ya:)
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Btw, thank you daun keladi.
Did you really yell 'Give me an incubator or give me death'?
Yaww ! I arrived at Perlis safely around 12 pm . I was quite exhausted during that time cause Perlis has a hotty weather. Skip about the weather. Move on to the broke fast section. OMG, I just love Perlis food. Fish grill. Yummay ! The price is also affordable and reasonable compare to Kuala Lumpur.
Today, I baked a cake. I mean, I helped my grandma to baked it. I can smell the aroma :D Tomorrow is Eid Mubarak. I can't wait to eateat and EAT! Don't forget kids favourite part, cash $$$ Btw, Selamat Hari Raya people ! Maaf zahir dan batin. Forgive all my mistakes please? To that immature bitch, thank you for calling me fucker and bodoh. I really appriciate it. Call me whatever you like people. You'll get a sin, God pay cash for you. And I will always say 'Thank You'. I'm the girl who not easily ashtonish that what you've done to me. And I'm the one who has a deaf ear while people talk something bad about me. Macam ah kau pandai sangat nak cakap aku bodoh en? FYI, manusia memang bodoh ah. Allah je yang MAHA BIJAKSANA. Kau cakap ah aku bodoh fucker zillion times pun, aku dapat pahala. Kau dapat dosa. Padan muka ! :P Macamla aku kisah en. Nanti, terkena kat kau juga :)
Macam pantun oh :D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Raya 2009

Heyya. Just packed up my bag. Yes, I'm heading to my village tomorrow. It's in Perlis. I skipped school today. So, no Monopoly:D I'm currently playing Glamour Age and Restaurant City on the same time. I downloaded new MSN and Flash player. Call me jakun if you want. At least I have rather than don't:D I'm a Restaurant City addict !
Yesterday, while I was Facebook-ing, my daddio bought two new laptops . For mummio and daddio. OMG, it's only 1.2 kg. LOL, I can put it in my handbag. It's a new brand. Twinmate. I wish I could have one. Dude, I already have one. An Acer laptop. The greenish one. Why should I need another one?
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf zahir dan batin :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yaww. I brought Cluedo to school today. And I'm the greatest detective ever.:D Actually, most of my buddies won the game. Needless to say, they're an expert in this game. No offence guys. Observed some dudes were playing Pictionary. The weirdest game ever. If I play this game, people can't make a differentship between a cat and a tiger. I was born too play musical instruments, not drawing:)
Guess what was happening at school. There's a motivater came to our school. I swear, it was such a loss who doesn't came to school today. Free show for 6th grader. LOL! Included Level 1 pupils who stayed outside the hall. Ask my classmates to tell you. I'm a such a good girl, don't want to add any sin right now:DDD
OMG ! Aiman is reading my blog. Hello monitor:)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.
Hey. School was awesome. My buddies were making some dinned. LOL ! Well, I played Uno Stacko, Uno cards, The Life and chess. I love The Life game ! I made too loads of babies. Hakim said I was extremely passionate to get babies and married. Gahaha ! It's just a game, Hakim. Or else I dah lama married to Jensen Ackles:D And I'm a millionaire:D Speaking about Uno stacko, I was the suckish player among my classmates. I mean, my gang. My fingers were all vibrating. I removed the blocks. The building was unstable, and fell down. Conclusion, I'm a looser in this Uno Stacko game.:(
After recess, we received our Science UPSR paper section A. Dude, panic gila. Oh so nevermine, I gained 29 over 30. A bit yahoo. Damn the badminton court question. The answer is C. The cubic centimetre thingy. Then , we discussed about our future school. Aiman wanted to go to MCKK. Some of them are going to RMC. Yunee said that her brother has been bullied by his seniors while he was in Form 1. When her brother reached Form 5, he bullied his juniors. Pergh, 2 x 5 je :p She said RMC student gained a muscle. Woah !
Monday, September 14, 2009
7 Doors

You know what I was thinking after school session ? Playing guitar ! Mei Yin influenced me to play the guitar. She brought her guitar to school, for sure. My classmates were playing Uno and chess and some board games. I was extremely board , so I read some novels. Then , I was walking around the class. Observed some dudes were playing games. Oh yeah , I saw this awesome stuff on the notice board. And I took it without my teacher's permission :D Actually it is a white ribbon. The ribbons were on the tiny drawing block. I'm gonna use it for my hair band. Yay ! Thanks to Thiviya, who helped me to tied the ribbon.
Signed up some forms.I hate co-curricular form ! I took part in Choral Speaking and Short Story contest in district level only. I only have one post in school. It is Girl Guides committee. Bengang-ngang betul. Most of my buddies have two post. Nevermine, at least I have one rather than don't :) I'm gonna take part in netball and futsal game after Raya.My teacher offered me in chess competition. Why I didn't take part eh? Pergh , I'm starting to thinking what song I'm gonna play for this so call Talentime. I pick Taylor Swift's song for sure. Crazier,You Belong With Me,The Best Day, Love Story and Our Song are the most simple song. Pick it for me, please?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Do you know anyone in prison?
Yeah, Prison Break actor :)
2. Have you ever logged onto a boyfriend/
3. When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
I think year 1969 I ate those food.:D
4. Do you have a desk in your room?
5. Have you ever gotten naked at a party?
Woi, gila?
6. What kind of car insurance do you have?
What the heck?
7. Are you named after one of your parents or grandparents?
8. Does your first significant other still live in the same town as you?
Idk. -_-
9. Do you throw up gang signs?
Don't think so.
10. Have you ever broken a rib?
11. Would you rather be a girl or a guy?
Girl la.
12. Who is the most spoiled person you know?
13. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love?
Million dollars baby:)
14. Have you ever had sex in church?
Kepala hotak kau +_+
15. Is your boyfriend/
Yes, a turtle !:D
16. Do you watch the Grammy's?
17. Would you ever work for the border patrol?
Oh so no.
18. Which one word would describe your last relationship:
I told you zillion times already, I don't have any boyfie.Grr !
19. Would you rather date someone 2 years older then you or 20 years older then you?
20 years older than me. I'm gonna melamar Tan Sri over kaya raya :P
20. Have you ever had a eating disorder?
21. Do you have a porn collection?
Aku tak buat benda haram tu la weyh.
22. How many proms have you been to in your life?
One je.
23. Have you ever been in a inter-racial relationship?
A big no-no.
24. Is your birthday on a holiday?
Nah, school days:(
25. Are you old enough to vote?
Duh, I'm 12 !
26. Do you have any friends or family in the War right now?
Ada.Waktu tu aku tak lahir lagi wak:D
28. Do you worry about global warming?
Absolutely , poor Earthy Earth:(
29. Do you like polar bears?
30. Have you ever been cheated on?
31. What kind of birth control do you use?
Omg, I'm still young kan?
32. What slang word(s) do you call marijuana?
33. Are you an atheist?
34. Did you lose your virginity to your neighbour?
Kurang ajar dah ni =_=
35. Did or do you think your childhood dreams will come true?
Yeahhhhhhh !
36. Do you wear your sweetie's clothes?
37. What's your opinion on gold diggers?
They love golds more than humans. xD
38. Are you a country or city girl/boy?
City le.
39. Is your car a 2002 or higher?
40. Do you floss daily?
You give me 1 million bucks, I'll do it !
Do you know anyone in prison?
Yeah, Prison Break actor :)
2. Have you ever logged onto a boyfriend/
3. When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
I think year 1969 I ate those food.:D
4. Do you have a desk in your room?
5. Have you ever gotten naked at a party?
Woi, gila?
6. What kind of car insurance do you have?
What the heck?
7. Are you named after one of your parents or grandparents?
8. Does your first significant other still live in the same town as you?
Idk. -_-
9. Do you throw up gang signs?
Don't think so.
10. Have you ever broken a rib?
11. Would you rather be a girl or a guy?
Girl la.
12. Who is the most spoiled person you know?
13. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love?
Million dollars baby:)
14. Have you ever had sex in church?
Kepala hotak kau +_+
15. Is your boyfriend/
Yes, a turtle !:D
16. Do you watch the Grammy's?
17. Would you ever work for the border patrol?
Oh so no.
18. Which one word would describe your last relationship:
I told you zillion times already, I don't have any boyfie.Grr !
19. Would you rather date someone 2 years older then you or 20 years older then you?
20 years older than me. I'm gonna melamar Tan Sri over kaya raya :P
20. Have you ever had a eating disorder?
21. Do you have a porn collection?
Aku tak buat benda haram tu la weyh.
22. How many proms have you been to in your life?
One je.
23. Have you ever been in a inter-racial relationship?
A big no-no.
24. Is your birthday on a holiday?
Nah, school days:(
25. Are you old enough to vote?
Duh, I'm 12 !
26. Do you have any friends or family in the War right now?
Ada.Waktu tu aku tak lahir lagi wak:D
28. Do you worry about global warming?
Absolutely , poor Earthy Earth:(
29. Do you like polar bears?
30. Have you ever been cheated on?
31. What kind of birth control do you use?
Omg, I'm still young kan?
32. What slang word(s) do you call marijuana?
33. Are you an atheist?
34. Did you lose your virginity to your neighbour?
Kurang ajar dah ni =_=
35. Did or do you think your childhood dreams will come true?
Yeahhhhhhh !
36. Do you wear your sweetie's clothes?
37. What's your opinion on gold diggers?
They love golds more than humans. xD
38. Are you a country or city girl/boy?
City le.
39. Is your car a 2002 or higher?
40. Do you floss daily?
You give me 1 million bucks, I'll do it !
Have you ever been to Disneyland?
Supposed to !
What's your girlfriend's name?
Which one ?
Do you sing in the shower?
Absolutely,I'm a singer !
It's 2 am and your phone rings. Do you answer it?
Depends,if I didn't sleep yet xD
What is your dad's name?
Mohamad Muziram :)
What is your favorite t.v show?
American Next Top Model:D
What time do you usually go to bed?
10.30 pm or something.
What side of the bed to you sleep on?
Mostly right.
Where are your parents right now?
At the living room.
Do you love anyone?
Hoyeah baby:)
Does anyone love you?
Of course la kan:D
What's your favorite animal?
Turtles and cats and rabbits.
Did you ever date anyone on a football team?
Absolutely, they're hot dudes. Remember?
Does the band Seventh Day Slumber appear on your IPOD?
Have you ever cut your own hair?
Yes xD
Have you ever taken Flintstone's Gummy Vitamins?
What is on the walls in the room you're currently in?
Photo frame and some arts stuff.
Do you use any styling products on your hair?
Yea !
What's the longest amount of time you cried?
Can't recall.
Do you smile all the time, or do people have to earn your smiles?
I smile all the time, until people call me an INSANE person.
Does it bother you when people use bad grammar?
What is your favorite kind of perfume/cologne?
Devil Wears Prada and One Drop Perfume.
Are you in a relationship?
I guess so xD
How long have y'all been dating?
Shhhhhhhh !
How long does it take you to get ready?
What kind of ready?
Are you above the influence?
A big-NO-NO !
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name begins with M?
I kissed Mira:D
What were you doing at 2:02 this morning?
Sleeping? lol:D
What color are your eyes?
Would you ever die your hair black?
Hekeleh, my hair is blackla.
Are you happy to go back to school?
Back to school next year le xD
Weed or alcohol?
Hate anybody?
Last person you talked on the phone with?
Have you ever received a call that made you cry?
Think so.
Your last ex says they never even liked you, you say?
I don't have any ex.
What is something you disliked about today?
I don't have any interesting idea for my piano composition. Help ME !
When was the last time you felt really excited?
10th September 2009. Merdeka :)
Who saw you kiss the last person you kissed?
Can't recall la waak:D
Are you a morning person or a night person?
What was the first thing you thought when you woke up today?
Nak pergi saloon:D
Expecting something to change in the next month?
Yes, 5As please?
Who was the last person to call you?
My folks.
Who is the last person you got a text from?
Maxis xD
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hey. Since Jalan TAR was quite jammed, so mom and I decided to go to Ampang Park. I bought a pair of baju kurung and some cookies.My kain looks like a songket:D I want to eat some cookies right now.(lol) Well, I'm quite exhausted during that time. When my mom was selecting some cloths,my mind setup to a day-dreamer girl. Something was happening infront of my gloomy eyes. Let me repeat. Infront.
Omg, why you have to appear yourself infront of my eyes? Ahh, Robert Pattinson is a looser compare to this guy.
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