Friday, March 12, 2010

Cherish Together

First of all, I would like to congratulate to SPM candidates who just received the results yesterday. Can you see the image above? Yes, click it to enlarge it. Well, there are 2 top scorers from SMK Taman Melawati. They managed to get 6th and 9th places. I am so proud of you MELAWATIANS. Expecially Amelia. Haha, I'm a friend of your little brother, Dominic. Grr, I am just so envy with the top scorers. They managed to be famous in Bernama TV too for yesterday.

So, my life is just okay. So far. Homework dah siap. Now, study time je. I waved my hands to 3 of them. Yeah, my classmates. They're going to MRSM. For sure.

Nadia Bakri

Wei, good luck kat sana. Bawa nama baik 1 Maju SMKTM kat sana. School holidays je, tegur aku kat Facebook. ByeBYE. I will always pray the best for you guys. :)

Grr, choir practise esok. Heh.

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