Sunday, December 13, 2009


Easy Fortune Happy Life Actor/Actress. Looks like a happy family.

God will forgive me. It's his job.
Heyy. You are currently at Mira's blog. Heh, seriously. Maybe just because I put a Taiwanese song. Haha yeahh. Using a mandarin language. *anybody, carikan lyrics song ni? I barely can't find it* Oh yeah, a soundtrack from Easy Fortune Happy Life drama. 2 more episodes to go, for tomorrow and so on. Urgh, I hate this drama to stop just like that. Can't 8TV just repeat this drama? Seriously. Well, in my favour of. Needless to say, this drama is more than superb. Like 1000x of superb, I say? The best thing about it, I learned few sentences and vocabularies in this drama. Okay, I have a bit problem, for sho. In Malaysia, popo means grandma. But Taiwan, they called it nene. Can I use both of them? Just subtract 'k' from nene. But, it's almost the same. Right? Ni ai wo ma?  HAHA, ignore it for those who understand :D
I currently sitting on a cloud nine. Extremely. Who doesn't happy if your music teacher dind't give you too much songs? WEE, I'm smiling till ear:) And now, I can freely Facebook-ing and Twitter-ing. Well, my mom is in the land of Nod. HAHA. While my daddio, is washing his car. Okay, I better put an end to blogging. Enough for todayy. :)
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