Monday, July 12, 2010


Now, I can breathe with peacefully. Well, most of my sheeba History folio is almost done. Just a several page more to go. Did you realise that I dind't update my blog for a month of Sundays? Well, I'm currently in the mood of blogging now. So, this is what I did last week.

1) Took my report card
2) Tortured my eyes
3) Completed NIE magazine!

So, my dad took my report card at school. My class teacher said that I'm a dilligent, always answer teacher's question and I like to fight with Amirul Zain. Aww, ain't that awesome though? Then, I also have to tortured my eyes - which means this bloody guy became a prefect. I don't think he's eligible enough to become a prefect. Well, he's extremely envy with me just because I have 2k of friends in Facebook. I think he's kinda rude to my History teacher. Naninibugho masyadong maraming? I taught you reached your puberty already yet you behave like a 7 years old kid? Oh please. You just make me hit the ceiling. You're on my list, A.

I probably can't wait to received the Pizza Hut voucher. Haha, I completed 2 NIE mini magazine last week. It took 2 days to completed that stuff. FIFA World Cup sudah habis, tunggu Form 5 pula boleh tengok. Hmm, so sad :( Lagi sad, Spain-der menang. Okay, I'm not interested with Spain, but I like Real Madrid! Germany patut menang, but try next time lah. At least you managed to get top 3. Germany, I will always support you no matter what happen kay? <3

Wanna know about my latest development right now? Hehe *drum roll*

Scroll down please :)


 My short story was already published!

Go to your nearest bookstore and buy it now! The price is only RM16. My title for short story is Kisah Si Dua 'N' by Najwa Amira. Now, I just have to wait patiently for the payment :)

p/s : Dear Riha J, I love your Gadis Piano very much! <3

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