Monday, June 1, 2009

Takde Kerja

I've played guitar last 6 hours a go.Haha,my fingers are now red,lebam,and ada kesan pisau(kinda).By the way,i've made a song.Hell yeah,idknow what im writing.Okey,try jelah.Masih budak baru belajar:D

The chords sound so nice,but the lyrics like er,tah.Lyrics just short.I wish i could watch House Of Wax and Haunted Mansion.Erghhh,this school hols,lepas belajar buat apa?I'm die-yingying.:p

1 comment:

Farahani said...


Kak Mira ajarlah.:DKak Wani nak belajar main gitar tu.:)